Game Review : Thor - God of Thunder (Xbox 360,Wii,NDS)
This review is going to be a 3 parter,as mentioned in the title.I have finished the game on all the 3 platforms and all 3 are well worth reviewing.Onto the review...
Xbox 360 - "Professional critics" are bashing this game and calling this version a complete garbage.It is not.It has a fair share of problems,which occasionally lead to point of frustration,but then again,the critically acclaimed God of War series sometimes made me rage quit for a short period.There is a reason I compare this with GOW,since the gameplay is quite identical - a third person,beat em up.That is not a bad thing.Infact,far from it.You kill a bunch of bad guys,move to the next area,bad guys again,move,solve an easy
puzzle,move,boss fight.The boss fights are actually quite interesting and sometimes hard.But,let me warn you,before going into chapter 14 and 15,consult a walkthrough.You will thank me for that.The reason is,those 2 chapters are frustrating as hell and unless you plan ahead,you will have a hard time getting through.Trust me,I faced this.The graphics are sometimes bland and lifeless,and other times quite decent.The music is not that memorable,the story is ok but I find it very,very similar to the movie (WTH?).Overall,this is not as bad as people make it sound.And I know I am one of the few who think otherwise.I'd say give it a try if you are interested in Norse mythology,the movie or the character as a whole.And moreovr,the game is quite long for a movie tie-in,so that is a bonus.
puzzle,move,boss fight.The boss fights are actually quite interesting and sometimes hard.But,let me warn you,before going into chapter 14 and 15,consult a walkthrough.You will thank me for that.The reason is,those 2 chapters are frustrating as hell and unless you plan ahead,you will have a hard time getting through.Trust me,I faced this.The graphics are sometimes bland and lifeless,and other times quite decent.The music is not that memorable,the story is ok but I find it very,very similar to the movie (WTH?).Overall,this is not as bad as people make it sound.And I know I am one of the few who think otherwise.I'd say give it a try if you are interested in Norse mythology,the movie or the character as a whole.And moreovr,the game is quite long for a movie tie-in,so that is a bonus.
Score - 7.5/10
Score - 8/10
NDS - I don't officially own an NDS,but I have completed the game on an emulator (HE'S A PIRATE!).I must say that this a very good version of the game.It is a side-scroller 2D game,similar to the old SNES games (we Indians might not have experienced it,but emulation's there to cover you).The 2D sprites are very well-detailed.The boss fights are pretty insane and,believe it or not,there is strategy to beat every boss.There is nothing much to say about this version,except that it is very good for a hand-held game.
Score - 8/10
In the end,I would have to say that all 3 versions are well worth playing.And if you choose any one version over the other,you won't go wrong.
Score - 8/10
In the end,I would have to say that all 3 versions are well worth playing.And if you choose any one version over the other,you won't go wrong.
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