Movie Review : The Matrix trilogy (1999-2003)

Now that I've seen the Matrix trilogy,I am gonna review all 3 together.Therefore,this review will be split up into 3 sections,each section for each film in the saga.

The Matrix - OK,let me put it this way...The Matrix is the perfect mixture of both action as well as dialogue.The action is not too much and the dialogue is of the required limit.Fights happen when you feel you are getting slightly bored of the dialogue sections and the dialogues tell you what you need to know and not more than that.But,I feel that when Morpheus explains "stuff" to Neo,he speaks too fast for the average brain to process what he is actually conveying.That is why most people don't understand the story of this movie.The story deals with how Neo gets introduced to the world of Matrix and how he accepts the actual facts and tries to adapt to it.Saying anything more than that would be spoiling the story for those who have not seen the movie.The acting was great from all the actors except "The one"(pun intended) - Keanu Reeves.This guy makes David Duchovny look like an Oscar winner.No expressions whatsoever,and even the stuff that he tried to pull off did not convince me.But I admit to a certain degree that Keanu Reeves was the perfect guy to play Neo.The CG was great (even to this day),the story is great,the setting was good,the actors were good and the stunts were impressive.

Score - 8/10

The Matrix Reloaded - CGI should be used only during fast action scenes UNLESS the CGI is extremely realistic looking (which I highly doubt,especially considering the time this movie was made but then again,there was Jurassic Park) and unfortunately the CG in this installment is not that great and it is used even during slo-mo.And it clearly shows.That is a big mistake by the director.The character models and the animation look very cartoonish a la a cutscene from a PS2 game.But I will say this,this movie has bigger and more impressive action sequences (the best one being Neo fighting hordes of Agent Smiths) than the last film and less of a story/dialogue scenes.Nonetheless,this is an enjoyable entry in the Matrix saga and the problems,for the most part,would be over-looked by the average movie-goer.

Score - 7.5/10

The Matrix Revolutions - I don't understand the hate that this movie is getting.Some people regard it as the worst film in the trilogy.But I beg to differ.Sure,it has less action and more dialogue and Neo is not present for the most of the time and it has got a few flaws.But a 6.5? Seriously,IMDB? The story is not about Neo this time around but about Zion (watch the movie to get what I'm talking about) and that was good.The last 2 films dealt with Neo and his issues with the reality and it was time for a change of pace.This is the ultimate installment in the story and it definitely feels like the ultimate installment.However,the ending is not that great.The ending happens way too fast and by that time,the whole build-up for the expected "epic" ending of the saga turns out to be highly unsatisfactory.Inspite of that,I would say this is also an enjoyable flick in the trilogy.

Score - 7/10


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