Movie Review : X-men : Days of Future Past

I,for one,was not a fan of the X-men comics.The movies and the games were the reason I got into the X-men universe in the first place.The premise,from the start,was interesting and that is what intrigued me to delve deep into the X-men franchise.Though most of the X-men movies were great,some were boring (ahem*The Wolverine*) and others were brilliant.

Enter X-men:DOFP.The movie started perfectly and I convinced myself to not have my expectations high as IMO the movies that start good,tend to get boring by the end.But,nope...that was not the case.

If you've seen the trailers,that is what pretty much the plot of the movie is.That is not to say that it is generic,as there are a few twists and turns along the way.But there is one thing that bothers me...maybe a minor spoiler (ye have been warned!),but if you have seen this film,you may come to the conclusion that the "others" did not happen,if you know what I mean.

Overall,the acting was very good (need I say?),the story was good,the CG was mind-blowing (I am a sucker for CG) and I was impressed.

On a side note,I was astounded by the 3D in this movie,as it was quite good from most of the "3D movies" releasing these days.I was getting tired of the "3D" for the sake of "3D" stuff,but DOFP went for it and,thank God,it did it well.So 3D viewing is highly suggested.

Score - 8.5/10


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