Game Review(s) : God of War 3 (and a bit of God of War 2)
As you might have known, I have already reviewed the first GOW game on the PS2 which had blown everyone's mind when it first came out. Hell, even today, I like playing that game. Also you might have noticed that I haven't reviewed GOW 2, even though I've completed it. It wouldn't be fair to review GOW 3 without reviewing the second installment and thus, I think now is the right time to do it, albeit alongside the main focus of this review - God of War 3. Moreover, I will be making some comparisons between the games in the series. That being said, this obviously is going to be a longer review so if you don't want to read a lot of text, I suggest you look elsewhere. I will being adding a title before each so that you can go straight to the review you want to read. Onto GOW 2 first...

Firstly, the graphical overhaul is obvious as you load the game. The graphics of GOW 2 blow the original out of the water (wait till you play GOW3 and this statement won't apply). The textures are crisp and the animation was fluid. The pre-rendered cutscenes were absolutely amazing to look at. The graphics were superb at that time and even today for a PS2 game!
Now the story - yeah, it sucks. All you need to know is that Kratos is betrayed and killed by Zeus at the start of the game and after that, he is revived by Gaia(?) who then goes to the sisters of fate to return back to the moment when Zeus killed him and exact his revenge upon him. The plot doesn't move the series forward in any way, shape or form. All it does is stall the game for an obvious third game in the series. The whole game might as well have been a tie-in comic book or a second spin-off PSP title (instead of Ghost of Sparta) explaining the events between GOW and GOW 3. The story is not at all engaging like the first game. The first game unfolded Kratos' character as it moved on and it was quite interesting to sit through it. But GOW 2s story is not anything to brag about and was pretty boring than GOW 1 to be honest. And not to mention, plot-holes were aplenty.
That is pretty much all you need to know about GOW 2. In my honest opinion, I find the first GOW to be much more engaging and interesting than GOW 2, basically because it focused more on the plot and the character. It took into consideration quality over quantity, so to speak. If I was to give a score for GOW 2, it'd be a 7/10 - just an okay entry. Now onto the third game...

The story thankfully progresses unlike the previous game. The plot can be summed in a single line (maybe a spoiler for those who didn't play GOW 2) - Kratos is on a quest to kill Zeus. It is as simple as that. As trivial as it sounds (not really, I mean Zeus is the King of the Gods for Zeus' sake) more things happen in this game to keep you from being bored. Even though not as deep as the first GOW, it is quite convoluted. I had a
hard time understanding some of the plot points even after going
through all the other games prior to this. It was better than second's, but nothing too interesting. Also, we see more of Kratos as a character which was nice. A good story but not a great one.

The music is largely unchanged with some more tracks added. The voice acting can be a double edged sword - Kratos screams all his lines like a maniac which was irritating whereas some of the supporting cast did their jobs fairly well. The thing with Kratos is, he is like Christian Bale's Batman. Over-the-top voice acting for no particular reason which turns out to be irritating. Overall, an okay job, I'd say.
If you haven't played this game yet or the series for that matter, I'd suggest you to go through it atleast once, just to experience the sheer scale and the scope of it. Though the series/this game has a few flaws, it is well worth playing through just for the experience. The GOW series is, without a doubt, my favorite action game series and I give GOW 3 an 8.5/10.
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