Movie Review : Avengers - Age of Ultron

*sigh* Ok, I know it is very late. Exams were going on so I could not write up this review sooner. But hey, better late than never, right? Now that I am done with my lame excuses, here's my take on the movie.

Unlike the first Avengers movie, this film actually slipped in really quiet. I mean there was no hype with this movie, at least where I live. There was anticipation, but no hype. That brings me to another point which I will be touching upon later.

All you need to know is that noting much has changed from the last movie, except maybe the plot (DUH!). We've got The Avengers plus or minus 2 or three against a bad guy (Ultron in this case) who wants to take over the world (OF COURSE!). The plot, if you think about it, is paper thin - good against the bad. The plot tries too hard to sound convoluted with unnecessary mumbo-jumbo, but if you turn deaf  to it, you'll find that there is nothing much in the way of plot per se. Basically, Tony Stark has given life to an AI construct which goes  haywire and tries to take over the world *insert maniacal laugh here*. That is all. Meh.

The characters are as bland as ever with some exceptions. Tony Stark is Tony Stark. Thor hasn't changed much. Captain America is (thankfully) less of a boy-scout than he was, Hulk smashes everything in sight and one thing they touched upon which I thought was good was the life of Hawkeye. I thought they underplayed Hawkeye a little bit in the last movie bringing him down to the level of a mere mercenary. But they show in this installment that he is not and he has a family that he has to take care of. That was good. there was some romance brewing between Dr. Banner and Black Widow which I honestly didn't care about (I mean, Hulk marries the Black Widow? How about nope?). Ultron was cool. He was menacing and witty at the same time. Nice. Hmm...that's about it. There are some other characters, but I'll leave that to you. Don't want to spoil anything.

The CG in this movie is unbelievable. I think they took some inspiration from Snyder's 'Man of Steel' since every building gets destroyed in a battle. The CG is as good as ever and it must have cost them a fortune just to make a single fight scene. Good stuff.

Overall, I could say you can watch this movie as a popcorn flick. Don't think about the story too much. If you are looking to waste your time with mindless action for 2 and a half hours, I'd say go for it.

Score - 7/10

P. S. 3D was meh so it is upto you. And you don't have to stay till the end, if you know what I mean.

P. S. S. Earlier I mentioned that I was gonna touch upon something and here it is - taking into consideration this movie not being that hyped about, are we getting tired of superhero flicks? It is the same thing in every superhero film - battles, explosions, CGI and skin-tight costumes concocted into a 2 hour movie. Are we getting bored of it? Let me know your thoughts on this. Hit me up on FB or Twitter, the links of which are on the left side of this page.


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