We all know that the trailer was a massive spoiler showing things it should not have shown. Even then, I was a bit skeptical and hoped that whatever was shown in the trailer will turn out to be something different. Was it? Nope. The plot-twist was the exact same, the bad guy was the exact same and in short, if you have seen the trailer, congratulations, you've seen the movie!

The first Terminator movie I saw was (and still is) the best in the series, Terminator 2. I didn't expect this movie to surpass that movie because I knew it won't happen *ahem*ala jurassicworld*ahem* I naturally went in for the Austrian awesomeness i.e. Arnold Schwasefwsefzijhskksflkkger (I think that is how it is spelt). And to see Arnold acting as a lifeless and an emotionless machine, I got what I wanted. Surprisingly, he was the most interesting and the most funniest character in the movie! I cannot stand some other guy playing T-800. Arnold Schwasejhjhdjkhkasdkhkger was born to play the T-800. T-1000 was sadly a different story. Robert Patrick nailed the role in T2. There was an Asian replacement for him in this movie and he was meh. I was shocked to see that the visual effects for T-1000 was EXACTLY the same as it was in T2. And T2 was like 2 decades ago. Hello? Did the VFX guy sleep on the set? Daenerys Targeryan plays Sarah Connor and she was nowhere as bad-ass as Linda Hamilton. John Connor, was okay in some parts but not in others. I felt he looked a little older than he should. Kyle Reese was boring. And somebody needs to explain why J.K. Simmons is in the movie.

The VFX was good for the most part, except for the T-1000. Anybody who knows me knows that I'm a sucker for CG. I enjoyed the CG in this movie. But it lacked the charm of the older Terminator films where most of it was puppetry. The robots were real in those movies. They were there on the screen and you felt real. Here, everything was CG. I cannot make it out whether I liked it or not. Looked too much like a videogame in many scenes. However, there was a rather short but a sweet fight scene between two Arnolds and that was awesome. In fact, I must admit, all the action sequences were very impressive.
The saving grace of this flick was the music. The old theme song is back! (pun intended). And that was, thankfully, a good move.
It maybe my nostalgia goggles talking, but this movie was nowhere as good as the original and more particularly, it's sequel. However, as a Terminator movie, it got the job done. Take out the 'Terminator' in the title and Arnold, and it would be nothing more than Robocop 5. The 3D was good though. Suggested but not mandatory.
Score - 7/10
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