Game Review - Uncharted 3

In short, I loved this game. In my opinion, this is the best of the trilogy (many might disgree and that is fine). Sure, the formula is just the same as it has been since the beginning - 3rd person, pop-and-stop shooter. But the way it is executed this time around is grander and more cinematic which I absolutely loved.
The story is slightly different than the usual treasure-hunting crap. This time, Nathan Drake is on an adventure to find the 'The Atlantis of the Sands', a lost city in the middle of the Rub Al Khali desert. And what is a good story without the bad guys? The baddies are Kate Marlowe, who wants to get there first and her henchman, Talbot, who has superpowers (?). I don't even remember who the bad guys were in the previous games and couldn't care less. But the bad guys are surprisingly memorable in this game. Along the way, you also meet a few new characters namely Charlie Cutter, a Brit friend of Nathan's and Sully's. What I loved about the story is that Nathan's past is explored...not in detail, but to a satisfiable degree. Similarly, Nathan's relationship with Sully and how it has grown over the years is also made quite clear, which I feel they should've done in the second game. For me, this is what made Nathan and Sully more likeable.
The gameplay is like I mentioned earlier - the same. However, I've heard some people mention that the controls are not fluid like the last two games. According to them, there is a degree of stiffness and a slight delay in the controls. Unfortunately, I must attest to this fact since I myself experienced said issue. There is a grenade-throwback mechanism added this time where you can lop back the grenades that the enemies throw at you, which is quite neat. The CQC is just "meh" like the previous games, though there could've been some improvement. Enemies keep shooting at you while you fight and you die, which gets annoying after a couple of times. Moreover, some big guys never let you engage in CQC, since they kick you in the gut when you try to close in on them and shoot you in the face only for you to die. Apart from these issues, the gameplay is largely unchanged. The set-pieces are a different story. My jaw was on the floor more than once due to awe. It is an experience which cannot be put in words. The set-pieces are larger than ever and has to be seen to be believed.
The graphics are bloody amazing. If you thought U2s graphics were great, wait till you play this one. Many times through the course of the game, I stood still for a few moments just to feast my eyes on the awesome vistas and lighting effects that the developers had worked so hard to bring to life. The animations are also improved and thankfully, less cartoonish. The character models are even better and facial animations, though could have been improved, are good. Too bad, the game only supports 720p (upscaled to 1080p) resolution, which is the only issue I can think of in terms of graphics.
The sound design is also very good. Gun shots have enough "oomph" and the blasts sound like they should (not that I've heard a blast in real-life, just sayin'). The voice acting is just as amazing as ever and the music, though not memorable (save the main theme, that always kick-ass!) is nothing bad.
If you've never liked the Uncharted series before, I'd say give this one a try atleast. There are plenty of elements that I am sure will make you appreciate this series a bit more. For those that already like the series, why are you even reading this? Go and buy it RIGHT NOW!
The sound design is also very good. Gun shots have enough "oomph" and the blasts sound like they should (not that I've heard a blast in real-life, just sayin'). The voice acting is just as amazing as ever and the music, though not memorable (save the main theme, that always kick-ass!) is nothing bad.
If you've never liked the Uncharted series before, I'd say give this one a try atleast. There are plenty of elements that I am sure will make you appreciate this series a bit more. For those that already like the series, why are you even reading this? Go and buy it RIGHT NOW!
Score - 8/10
P.S. I've got no money to buy a PS4 or the next Uncharted game (which is a PS4 exclusive). Kindly donate for this good cause.
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