Movie Review - 007:Spectre

If you need a quick review, I will say this – It is definitely better than Skyfall, in my opinion. I thought Skyfall was a snore-fest. Skyfall didn’t have to go the way it did and this movie, for better or worse, puts the 007 formula back on track. Spectre almost felt like an ode to the old 007 films, with fight sequences inside a train inspired by ‘From Russia with Love’ and ‘OHMSS’, with the snowy locations and all.
As far as the story is concerned, like I said, it is the usual formula. Bond has a mission to complete, however not for England this time. This time around, it is for a special person. Along the way, he gets shot at by a few henchmen, drinks Vodka Martini (shaken, mind you!), gets chased by a few villains, beds a few women, punches the bad guy, gets the girl and Bond, James Bond. However, there is another parallel plot going on at the same time, which I thought was interesting but it was something sudden and was never hinted at in the previous films – The merging of MI6 with MI5, which means the end of all 00 agents (but who are we kidding, we all know that is not gonna happen). That being said the movie is a little longer at about 2 hours 40 which, for a Bond fan is okay but for a casual viewer, is very long. The plot is a bit on the predictable side with twists and turns that you can see coming from a mile away.

In the end, this movie is, in my humble opinion, better than Skyfall and wayyyyy better than Quantum of Solace. Even after 4 movies with Craig in the lead role, I still feel his first was his best. In fact, Casino Royale, is one of the best 007 movies IMO. I was expecting a lot from Spectre but I was left disappointed, though just by a bit. Perhaps, we have seen enough of James Blonde? Rumour has it that Damien Lewis is the next in line. He was great in Band of Brothers but I don’t know…only time will tell. Until then, this is Nut, Critique Nut.
Score – 7.5/10
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