Movie Review - Batman v Superman

I personally was hyped for this movie. The recent trailer got me excited and I had to watch the movie. And I did. At this juncture, I must admit that the trailer was more exciting than the movie. This movie had A LOT of problems, some of which are as follows in order of annoyance, from worst to bad.
Firstly, Jesse Eisenberg. My predictions were true from the trailers. Jesse Eisenberg plays an extreme version of Jesse Eisenberg AND NOT Lex Luthor. He tries too hard to be Heath Ledger's Joker sometimes. The Lex that I know is this calm and composed but nonetheless evil business tycoon who hates Superman's guts. However, here he is a Joker wannabe who has a little more ADD. Understanding his evil motives is a challenge in and of itself.
Secondly, few of the plot-points never made any sense. Assuming you have seen the trailers, Bats and Supes punch each other for a bit. Supes says something during the half-time and *snap* Bats and Supes are suddenly BFFs, which leads to my third gripe...
...the main bad guy and the final third. Here's how the script was written for the climax-
Supes, Bats and WW: Group hug! *punch kick punch*
Supes: Time for a nap. See ya next time!
The End.
Finally, The story itself. Wait, there isn't any. Again, this is a case of "if you have seen the trailer, you have seen the movie." Nothing much happens, no twists or turns, boring exposition and an overall predictable plot. There are some cameos, or rather Easter Eggs, for the other superheroes in the JLA. I must admit, that was sweet.
There are a lot more annoyances I had with this movie. Listing all of them will not see the end of this day so I will move onto the good aspects of the film.
Ben Affleck as Bats. Nails it. Perfect Batman. Thankfully, no throat cancer voice. Has some type of robotic yet menacing voice modifying device that feels new but it never annoyed me. Better Bruce Wayne than Christian Bale and in some ways, Michael Keaton IMO. Nuff said! (hate the costume design though)
Secondly, the meat on the bone - the action sequences. Action sequences were good. The fights between both the main characters were short yet sweet. It is almost like watching gameplay footage of Injustice: Gods Among Us. And yes, the rumours are true. Batman kills! (WTF?) No idea what the intention to take that route was but it did annoy me. However, when Batman kicks ass, he kicks ass!
Finally, Wonder Woman. She was only in the film for a short amount of time but she did the role justice (see what I did there?). She was beautiful and deadly at the same time. A perfect casting choice for WW. Looking forward to seeing her in the stand-alone movie and JL.
Imagine yourself buying a delicious looking ice-cream. You are ready to savour it, distancing yourself away from the rest of the world, hoping to drown in its heavenly taste... only to see it fall from your hand and go splat on the ground. That is how this movie was for me. There is nothing else to say other than to advice you to lower your expectations, if you had any. It crushes me to say this but this movie was painfully mediocre.
Score - 7/10
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