Movie Review - Suicide Squad

The plot seems straight forward at first but then takes a detour in the middle and towards the end gets back on track again. All I could make out was bad guys are coerced to kill more powerful, greater bad guys who obviously want to rule the world. There were some pacing issues. At points, I felt that the plot stalled a bit for no particular reason but let's face it, the story is just there for our characters to kick-ass together.
The main characters are given quite a backstory which is a 15-20 minute introduction to get you going even if you are not familiar with the lore. And I think they did a great job in that aspect. It was neither too little nor too much. Now, Will Smith nails it as Deadshot. That is mainly because it is Will Smith. There is just no way to hate Will Smith even as a bad guy. A perfect casting choice in my opinion. Deadshot and Diablo are definitely my favorites out of all the characters. Speaking of which, Harley Quinn and The Joker. As mentioned in one of my articles way back when the new Joker's pictures were first revealed, I still don't like this version. He sounds more like Heath Ledger's version, but still the "thug-life" look is not to my liking. He feels like a psychopath who is trying to be The Joker. Before Jared Leto, Heath Ledger's Joker was my least favorite, but now I think Jared Leto's version takes up that position. I like his laugh though, so take what you wil from it. Similar is the case with there with Harley Quinn. She is like a cosplayer trying to sound like the actual Harley Quinn. At some points, she was as annoying as nails on a chalk-board. But the character is like that. Moreover, this is the first live-action version of HQ, so I'll take it. On thing that was a bit disappointing was that Deathstroke is missing. Not even a cameo. He could have made a great addition to the cast but who knows, maybe in the future (?). On a whole, the chemistry among all the baddies is great, which is perfectly showcased in a bar scene.
All this may sound like the movie is not that great. But trust me, I enjoyed this movie; more so than Guardians of The Galaxy, which is Marvel's version of The Suicide Squad. And it was slightly better than Batman v. Superman (theatrical cut). Don't listen to all the "professional" critics out there, this movie deserves atleast a single watch in my humble opinion. Oh, and stay until the end credits.
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