Movie Review - Assassin's Creed

The thing I liked most about this movie is that, even a person who has not played the video-games can understand the story. For fans, the story is in a familiar territory with twists and turns that have been a trademark of the video-games. Having said that, I as a fan never felt as if I had seen everything before. The plot takes place in Spain, which I don't think has been done in any of the video-games. This time, it is a criminal instead of a bartender who plays the Assassin's modern day counter-part. Fassbender does a decent job as Callum Lynch who makes a deal with the Devil(s) Dr. Sofia Rikkin played by Marion Cotillard and Dr.Alan Rikkin played by Jeremy Irons. To be honest the characters are rather one-dimensional - the good guy, the morally-ambiguous female and the bad guy(s). But that did not deter the movie from being interesting whatsoever.
The movie often jumps to the present from the past, usually during action sequences, which according to "professional critics" out there was jarring. Admittedly, yes it was. But only slightly. In fact, during some sequences it actually felt awesome watching Callum Lynch mimicking the moves of Aguilar. Also, the modern day scenes were slow. Interesting, but slow. The movie is also the perfect length. Any more of it, and it would have been a snore-fest.
The action scenes are where this movie takes the cake. The stunts are very true to the video-games and really well done. My minor issue with the fight scenes in this movie is that it sometimes goes into the shaky-cam territory, making it hard to see what is going on. But the signature moves are all there in their entire glory. Also, this movie is best when watched in 3D. The wide angle shots makes things really pop out from screen.
It is no surprise that video-game movies suck. Though Assassin's Creed is not going to win any Oscars, it is definitely one of the better video-game movies in this reviewer's opinion. Wish you all a Happy New Year and remember... nothing is free, everything is permitted.
It is no surprise that video-game movies suck. Though Assassin's Creed is not going to win any Oscars, it is definitely one of the better video-game movies in this reviewer's opinion. Wish you all a Happy New Year and remember... nothing is free, everything is permitted.
Score - 7/10
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