Movie Review - Logan

The plot is a one liner - Grandpa Xavier, Wolvie and Jr. are on a run-away mission to reach location 'X' (see what I did there?) from where they are supposed to do further running from evil Corporate and Military baddies. Sounds really basic, but the story has great depth without being too Nolan-esque. The pacing of the plot is slow during some sections but nevertheless really entertaining, mostly due to the funny bickering between Wolvie and Grandpa Xavier (comes packed with completely uncensored F-, S- and D- words). Speaking of uncensored...
...the violence. It is all in there folks! Wolvie's rage + an 'A' rating = Crimson awesomeness. And it is satisfying as hell! I would like to think that this movie was a product of demand from fans of the X-Men Origins Videogame (which was the first Marvel/Wolverine videogame to have blood, gore and sweet violence). Though Marvel had tested waters with Deadpool, this movie feels like a proper answer to their demands. It is only sad to think that Hugh Jackman's Wolvie and Deadpool can never be on-screen together.
As you might have seen from the trailers, this movie is completely different from the previously Nerfed X-men movies. Though set in the somewhat same universe, this movie is dark, gritty and almost The Walking Dead levels of depressing. The movie has a washed out brown tone to it that definitely compliments the fact that Wolverine is done for. The action is really sweet and satisfying that is split into perfectly adequate doses - brutal, visceral and no doubt, very well choreographed. Also, this movie was initially compared with The Last of Us videogame, given that that game was basically an escort mission with a bearded Guy and a kid and all. Though it feels similar, it also feels different enough to make you forget about that comparison. So you can rest assured that this is not 'The Last of Us - Mutants on the run'.
Now the performances. Hugh Jackman delivers. And he delivers excellently! Every scene he is in, you can feel his pain. You can feel that he is someday going to have to stop being the Feral beast he is. He is damaged, rusty and old and can't put up a proper fight even with common street-thugs. He is holding onto the last string and it might break any time (not going into the spoilers territory but if you can't guess what the "one last time" phrase on the posters maybe insinuating, something is definitely wrong with you). He can and will make you cry man-tears in this movie. If anything, Hugh Jackman will make you sympathize the character more in this movie. Patrick Stewart Xavier is equally awesome and funny as well. Though his screen-time is CUT short (see what I did there?), he more than makes up for it with his swear words (which is funny seeing the ever-decent Xavier saying things like F and S). And now onto the elephant in the room - X-23. This kid is definitely going places. She has this evil spine-chilling "I have Adamantium claws, bitch!" stare and when you see that stare, you better run for your dear life. Like I had already said in my previous reviews, child actors can be annoying. This kid annoying for all the right reasons. She is basically Wolverine Jr. If anything, Wolvie needs protection from her. For now, I can definitely see her carrying forward the X-Men movies from here on. However, only time will tell. The villains are...just that. A one-dimensional military bad-ass and a mad scientist. The military bad-ass has a bad-ass bionic arm and he does...absolutely nothing with it which is a shame. There could have been an awesome one-on-one with Wolvie. But chances are you won't care about them for the most part. All that had to be said is said and there is no use laying emphasis on the what is only a minor issue with the movie.
I apologize for the long review but it had to be done. This is Hugh Jackman's final outing as the Woverine after all. As far as I am concerned, this is the best X-men/Wolverine movie ever and I fail to see how the franchise will surpass what this movie has laid down. Though there were very minor issues like the previously mentioned uninteresting villains and some fairly obvious, rubberish CGI, this is definitely my favorite X-men movie and, dare I say it, one of my new favorite Superhero movies. This movie has plenty of action, enough drama and a pinch of comedy for good measure. God knows, I will be missing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine for the rest of my life. It is, without a doubt, a fitting end to one of the greatest superheroes of all time, all thanks to Hugh Jackman aka James 'Logan' Howlett aka The Wolverine.
"See you on the other side, bub!"
Score - 8.5/10
P.S. True believers, let me know if you had waited for the post-credits scene at the end. I want to know how you felt about that ending when he comes back to...oops, no spoilers ;)
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