Movie Review - Avengers: Endgame

For the people who had successfully avoided the spoilers until now and are yet to watch this movie, rest assured - you won't find any here. I know how hard it can be, with all the trolls floating around the internet spoiling the movie left and right. For all the unlucky ones (which I believe there are a lot), do not worry. The movie is still a treat to watch (with a few surprising twists up its sleeve). A week of no social media with only the hype buzzing through my ear made me feel like a rabid dog committing to a life of vegetarianism. And it is without a doubt I will say that this is only one of the very few instances where the hype exceeded expectations.

The movie starts off very slow, which I am glad it did. The "decimation" situation from Infinity War took a heavy toll on the remaining remnants of the earth, especially the leftover heroes which cannot be simply brushed aside. I could watch a lot of movie-goers getting restless during this section of the movie which I understand could be bit on the boring side for casual movie-goers, but the desperation needed some time to "sink-in", so to speak. The slow parts of the film were the right amount, without overstaying their welcome. There are a few laughs here and there, which I felt came out of nowhere, considering the tone of the movie at that point but it can be easily overlooked.

Speaking of overlooked, the logic in a few sections was really farfetched. Even for superhero movie standards, I can see even the hardcore fans contesting a few events that may have worked well on paper but are clearly deus-ex machina. You need to watch this movie with a double mind-set - turn off your brain during some parts and rev up that engine in others. Moreover, unlike Infinity War, you need to watch a few other movies in the MCU to understand a lot of this movie. If you are a casual fan, the easter eggs and references will pass by you but if you happen to be a fan in the waiting for a long time, there is a lot appreciate, and even comprehend, here. So a preparation will only add to value and appreciation of the movie.

With all those nitpicks out of the way, the rest of the movie is excellent. When it starts to take off, it doesn't look back. Three hours is a long runtime, especially for a superhero movie but it felt like a hour and half. For almost a month, I was able to theorize in my head how the plot will go - it did as I had imagined (which I believe is the only way it SHOULD go), but there were a few surprising treats along the way which I totally did not expect. The the third act in particular is undoubtedly a set-piece of "epic proportions", for the lack of a better phrase. 

Endgame is mostly driven by the story, with a few action sequences sprinkled here and there. However, the climax is where the entire pay-off is. The action is what you'd expect in the climax of an MCU movie, except it is is ten times that, if not more and completely satisfies. There is a moment during the final section where you will start to feel a sense of dread even though your subconscious mind knows that is not how it is going to be, but that moment was totally unexpected and needless to say, very impressive from the part of the movie-makers. And believe me when I say, tears were shed at the end.

I see this movie not as a standalone MCU film but as a season finale of a TV series that began with Infinity War. Hence, the event is best experienced if the films are watched back-to-back, which is how I consumed the product. To put it simply, Infinity War is where the action comes first and the story second but Endgame is just the reverse - story is of priority and the action is less so. The film ends as if a future is not necessary for the MCU, but we all know Far From Home is coming. In closing, Endgame is undoubtedly an epic event and a proper end that equally satisfies and brews anticipation for more at the same time.

Final Score - 9/10

P.S. 3D viewing is highly suggested. No mid or end credits present - saved you a few minutes.


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